Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree

For date night this week, Dan and I bought and decorated our first real (well I guess it's fake) Christmas Tree. It took us way more hours and way more trips to and from stores than I will admit to find the right bargains and style, but we did it! We now have a tree for our first Christmas that we'll spend entirely at Wymount. I tried to research how to decorate Christmas trees online but came to realize it's one of those artsy things that is foreign to me. So I just copied what I saw others do.


Wendy said...

Ahhh carrie it's beautiful! I can't wait to spend Christmas with you guys. K - I need to thank you for the workbook sites. I found coloring pages for the 12 days of Christmas on dKni . . . hmmm - so I can't remember the acronym either - but the coloring pages were perfect! I passed them out as I was telling each table what day they were and giving them an action. It kept the kids busy while we were waiting for the program to start.

Jen Demaris said...

the tree looks great! are you guys ready for Christmas just you two? we might be snowed in up here and might be stuck home too! love ya!

Ben, Ashley, and Nate said...

Cares! Beautiful Christmas tree! Can't wait to see you soon!