Sunday, August 1, 2010


It's already August! Where did July go? At the beginning of the month we found out we're having another baby boy around Thanksgiving time! Benson gets a little brother. He looked like a healthy little guy. We're excited!

I have lots of cute little pictures of Benson. His little personality is so funny. We sure love him.

He loves putting on Daddy's clothes. Here he is dressed up to head out to a rig! The helmet might have been a little heavy for his head--he's leaning.
He loves playing blocks with Daddy. He'll grab blocks from the toy room and put them in Dan's hands to convince him to play.
He spends a good portion of the day driving his little cars around the house. He's become really quick--especially around corners. He picks up the car and swings it to the side.

For Dan's birthday he requested 2.8 candles instead of 28. I think he's feeling old.
Amanda came to visit for a few days last week and we loved having her! We're so glad she's living closer and hope to see her often!
We went to an Astros game which Benny actually did really well at. He spotted this ball from a block away. He has a knack for spotting balls everywhere. But when I tried to get this picture Benson was much more interested in the ticket scalper than me. The scalper saw my unsuccessful attempts at getting Benson's attention so he stood behind me and got Benny to smile at him for the picture! Texas is truely one of the friendliest places on earth.

Again we tried to get his attention but the game going on behind us was much more exciting than the picture. A true boy!
At this point the game was pretty much over. Astros were down by quite a few runs--but...Amanda, they did win the series against the Cubs! :)
Benny isn't afraid of ducks, but they were nervous around him. They'd eat from adults hands but this little miniature person was a little scarier!
Walking with Amanda and scowling at the camera. We hope this scowl is just a phase thing.
Benny sure took a liking to Amanda. She blew bubbles with him, played cars, read books...
And just a few more pictures...Dima found a turtle in our background and the boys were fascinated.

Daddy and Benson playing chicken with the fountains.

A turtle came to visit us on our morning walk and Benson wanted to jump in and take a swim with him. Dad held him tight! You can see the turtle coming to say Hi.


Alisa and Paul said...

I love all the cute pictures. Your family is adorable. I can't believe how Benny had grown. What a cutie. I just need to see how your cute belly is growing. I am so excited for you and love ya tons. Hope I can see you when you slip up for the family reunion.

A Journey for Three said...

Haha! He is SO STINKIN CUTE! wish all the family didn't live so far apart! Miss you guys!

Andrew and Ariel said...

Yay for brothers! I'm sure Benson will be a great big bro.
And lucky you, you got to hang out with Amanda! Lucky Amanda, she got to hang out with you!!!

Holly said...

Wow he sure is growing up fast!! He is sooooooo cute!!! How fun that you are having another boy!! Congrats!

The W's said...

Hey Carrie I just found your blog. It was so fun to see you at the reunion. You and your little family are so cute!