Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Benson!

My little guy turned one this week! We had a little party for him the following weekend, but on his actual birthday I wanted him devour a little cupcake and open a present. Benson wasn't feeling well, but I was bound and determined to get that photo with cake smeared all over his face. So...I set to work. And when the big moment was a disaster. We tried everything--putting a taste of it in his mouth, smashing the cake with his hand, but he would have none of it. So...I decided to give up on the photo for that day because I was sure I could get it that weekend. But, the weekend party came and again he refused the cake--I was so sad.
I was telling a wise friend of mine about my birthday photo sadness. She is a 70-year old lady and she said that when I am her age flipping through photo albums I won't give much thought to the picture perfect moments, but it's the ones with the stories behind them that will be most meaningful to me. I feel better about Benson's first birthday! Thanks Sister French!
So here are our meaningful moments! Benson took very little part in destroying this cupcake.
And again at the weekend party, he simply stared with disgust!

But, the party was fun! There are 3 other families in our ward that have little ones born within just a few days of Benson so we did a joint birthday. Look at their cute little onesies with their names on the back--and the matching bibs!

Dan found his hidden talent--balloon art!


Holly Boyd said...

Wow, those balloons were really good. And what a cute baby! Miss you guys so much!

Green Family said...

The onesies are adorable! I can't believe he's one!! You look great and so happy!

Alisa and Paul said...

What an adorable party! I am so glad you updated your blog. Your family is absolutely adorable. You have to be one of the cutest moms out there. Keep up with the posts. It is just too much fun to see you guys!! We love ya!

A Journey for Three said...

He is so cute! awe, i wanna see him again!!!

Esther said...

He is sooo cute. I love that you had matching shirts for them and a combine party. What a great idea. Yeah for first birthdays. I was a little bummed that Hannah refused her cake as well. I had a cake specially made for her and decorated so cute. She just got mad and walked away, no matter how much I let her taste it or coaxed her back to it. I want to try it again for her 2nd birthday.